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Fr. Dawood Lamie, ابونا داود لمعي
Sermons Not In A Series
The cross and Love , الصليب و المحبة
Offense of the cross , عثرة الصليب
Images of carrying the cross , صور حمل الصليب
The cross of temptation , صليب التجربة
The cross and the redemption , الصليب و الفداء
God's Desire for Retreat, اشتياق الله للخلوة
God's Desire for a Broken Heart, اشتياق الله الى القلب المنكسر
Give Me a Drink, اعطينى لأشرب
God's Desire for Repentance, اشتياق الله للتوبة
God's Desire for Faith, اشتياق الله للايمان
With Fervent Desire I Have Desired, شهوه اشتهيت
God's Desire for the Fruits of the Spirit, اشتياق الله لثمر الروح
God's Desire for Forgiveness, اشتياق الله للغفران
God's Desire for Saving Souls, اشتياق الله لخلاص النفوس
God's Desire to Give us the Kingdom, اشتياق الله ان يعطينا الملكوت
Sin is a Betrayal, الخطيه خيانه
You Shall Not Be Moved, لاتيته
As for Me, أما أنا
Peace When There is No Peace, سلام ولاسلام
Make Your Ways and Your Doings Good, اصلحوا طرقكم واعمالكم
We are Not Saved, ونحن لم نخلص
Oh that My Head were Waters, ياليت راسى ماء
The Way of Man is Not in Himself, ليس للانسان طريقه
Decisions of Repentance, قرارات التوبه
God's Grief, احزان الله
Why Does the Way of the Wicked Prosper, لماذا تنجح طريق الاشرار
Every Bottle Shall Be Filled with Wine, كل زق يمتلى خمرا
Do it for Your Name's Sake, اعمل لاجل اسمك
Your Words were Found and I Ate Them, وجد كلامك فأ كلته
The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, القلب أخدع من كل شى
The Potter's Hand, يد الفخارى
O Lord You Induced Me, قد اقنعتنى يارب
The Way of Life and the Way of Death, طربق الحياة وطريق الموت
If They Had Stood in My Counsel, لو وقفوا فى مجلسى
I will Make this House, أجعل هذا البيت
You will Seek Me and Find Me, تطلبوننى فتجدوننى
Another Scroll, درجا أخر
Jeremiah's Pain, الآم أرميا
Lamentation of Jeremiah, مراثى أرميا
Jeremiah and Christ, أرميا والمسيح
The Sincerity of Repentance, صدق التوبه